
DevCon Live represents a powerful tool of learning sessions lead by experts for experts from the tech industry. Check the Agenda, find your perfect mix of events, and craft your own journey with the most important topics of the moment!
10:00 to 10:45
03 Nov 2021

Deep down in Blazor authentication and authorization

Thanks to Blazor, every .NET developer can now build Single Page Applications with a familiar syntax, sharing code with the server and leveraging C# instead of JavaScript. However, the technical architecture is fundamentally different than the one of ASP.NET MVC or Razor Pages, especially when it comes to supporting modern security protocols, such as OpenID Connect and OAuth.

During this talk, we'll do a deep dive into the security model of Blazor, understanding the components involved and the differences between Blazor Server and Web Assembly.

We'll start with a practical example on how to integrate our Blazor application with Identity Server 4 and use OAuth to securely call an external API. After having established our baseline, we'll gradually start adding complexity: we'll first be introducing roles, and then we'll show how policies can allow us to achieve a bigger abstraction over the permissions and actions a user can perform in the application.

As the last step, we'll see what changes are needed to make sure that our application behaves correctly in a PWA scenario when we need to support an offline mode.

10:50 to 11:20
03 Nov 2021

Embracing TDD in your .NET development journey.

TDD is not a new kid in town, so why is it still not fully embraced in Development teams?

Adrian will convince you with practical cases from his current project, that the more complex the features, the higher your interest should be in investing time in embracing TDD.

Learn how you can reduce the number of bugs, the number of days spent in investigating issues, therefore gaining time to invest it in building better features.

  • Adrian Ilie Avatar Adrian Ilie Agile Developer & Team Leader at Cegeka Romania
11:25 to 12:10
03 Nov 2021

Roslyn Source Code Generator

Roslyn Source Code Generators is a way to write programs that write programs at compile time Andrei will show you how to write one . Also, he will make demos about existing ones that may help you write less code and be more efficient.

12:15 to 13:00
03 Nov 2021

Top 13 best security practices for Azure

Security nowadays is just a buzzword. Even so, by joining this session, we discover together what are the most important security best practices from a .NET developer point of view that we need to take into considerations when we develop an application for Microsoft Azure.

13:00 to 14:00
03 Nov 2021

Networking Lunch

14:00 to 14:45
03 Nov 2021

Exploring Source Generators

T4 is no longer the only way for c# code generation. Roslyn Source Generators is a handy tool for making day-to-day work quicker and automating build processes with direct compiler integration.

In this session, we‘ll look into what they are can or could be used for and implement a custom source generator.

14:50 to 15:35
03 Nov 2021

Running .NET code on Azure: AKS, App Service, Functions, VMs… Choose the right service for your code!

Running .NET code on Azure: AKS, App Service, Functions, VMs… Choose the right service for your code!

When the world ran on-premises it was easy… you set up your Windows Server with IIS and you were able to run your .NET code on it.

Now you have many choices in the cloud, including Windows and Linux hosts on many different services.

In this session we’ll take a look at various options, from technical, costs, and ease of migration perspectives.