Wouter Ligtenberg

Wouter Ligtenberg

DevOps Engineering Lead at ING Tech Romania


Wouter Ligtenberg is a DevOps engineering lead at ING Tech Romania. He started his journey in ING as a trainee in the International Talent Programme in Amsterdam, then moved to Philippines to work in process automation and DevOps authentication. His next stop was ING Tech Romania in 2019, where he took the opportunity to set up a DevOps team for one of the global ING platforms, Touchpoint.

He is interested in automating everything, which lead him to getting indulged into CI/CD world with cloud and container services, so essentially, he fully dived into automating software development.

Agenda Talks


14:00 to 15:30
03 Nov 2021

Learn how to genuinely kickstart Azure pipelines with templates yourself

This session will bring you closer to learning how to kickstart Azure pipelines with templates, checking off the following phases on the way:

- getting familiar with Azure DevOps and quickly demystifying all the tools there

- learning how to create a simple YAML pipeline, store it an Azure repo and run it from Azure DevOps pipeline

- learning how to extend your pipeline to a multi-stage, multi-job one

- experiencing parallelism by running both stages and jobs in parallel to save time

- modularizing your stages into various templates and using them as such (like libraries, called from a single pipeline YAML)

Java Con

11:05 to 11:35
03 Nov 2021

Kickstarting your Azure pipeline with templates

This session aims at sharing insights on Azure pipeline templates which are a powerful way to scale your CI/CD flow throughout your organisation. At ING this is achieved with Azure DevOps templates (which some think of as Java classes).

Wouter Ligtenberg and Florin Ioanițescu will reveal how they moved from one different pipeline per team to one single pipeline used by all teams. They will also discuss modularity and flexibility; quality and maintainability; and versioning.