Filip Krawiec

Filip Krawiec

Senior Software Developer at 3Pillar Global


I am a Senior Software Developer at 3Pillar Global. I like it when things are reliable, work right and make a good aesthetic impression. Although I studied Architecture and Civil engineering, I have a passion for software architecture with clean and maintainable code. I worked on many Spring boot applications using monolith and microservice architecture and my favorite technologies are Spring, Flutter and React.js. I am eager to meet you all!

Agenda Talks


11:55 to 13:25
03 Nov 2021

How to do DDD with Spring boot and Hibernate

The majority of enterprise applications using Spring boot and Hibernate are organised to layers like service, repository, controller, etc. What if we could find a better way? We will take a look at a simple Spring boot application, where we will demonstrate what DDD is and how to use it with Hexagonal architecture.