Mohamed Taman

Mohamed Taman

Chief Solutions Architect, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador at Effortel


Chief Solutions Architect @Effortel, CEO @SiriusX Innovations d.o.o, a Java Champion, An Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, a JCP member, 3 JSRs EG, EGJUG leader.

An International speaker, books & video author, and writes for Java Magazine, IBM Developer, Oracle, and InfoQ, Won Duke’s choice 2015, 2014 & 2013 awards, and JCP outstanding adopt-a-jar participant 2013 awards.

Agenda Talks

Java Con

11:40 to 12:25
03 Nov 2021

The Cool Thing about Cool Things in Java 16 & 17 LTS

Every six months, we have a new Java release. And to be a practical Java engineer, you should know about what is new in your language. This session will sweep the dust over Java SE 16 hidden gems, including new cool language features, compiler changes, library additions, and critical bug fixes. We’re going to look at here are all reasonably tremendous & they’re handy in your day-to-day work. Let’s take a features tour powered by code about Java 16 and future Java 17 LTS.
  • Mohamed Taman Avatar Mohamed Taman Chief Solutions Architect, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador at Effortel